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Trying new wines have never been this easy

eCommerce solution delivering signature wines at your doorsteps


Signature Wine Club is a China based firm owned by a group of wine enthusiasts who wanted to make best-of-the-world wines easily accessible in China. As part of its premium services, they offer once in a month session in which their wine experts select 3 different wines, provide detailed education and tasting notes to those who are new to the vocation. The company felt a need to expand their outreach by developing mobile applications for both Android and iOS – leading to creation of Sigwine.


Credencys worked on the requirements laid down by Signature Wine Club to create mobile applications that strengthen the company’s position as a leading subscription based wine club in China. Sigwine apps for Android and iOS make it easy for customers to order their wines online. Additionally, customers can get guidance about proper storing and wine-tasting from leading wine aficionados, right on their smartphones.


  • Users get an option to order premium wines from the comfort of their homes
  • Users can read expert articles about wines
  • Users can gift wines to their loved ones and friends
  • The apps offer Signature Wine Club a potential to increase reach and gain higher revenue

Prominent Features

  • Payment using Alipay and Paypal.
  • Recurring subscription based on the frequency selected by user.
  • Reordering functionality to reorder wines and glass-wares.
  • Functionality to upload expert articles from back-end.
  • Functionality to gift wine and glassware to others using the application.


  • Sigwine allows end users to order premium wines right from the comfort of their homes.
  • Wine club membership allows users to learn and identify the best wines.
  • Sigwine creates an improved shopping experience for customers
  • Customers can avoid paying inflated prices for their wines
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