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3 Critical Pitfalls In Retail PIM Implementation

Many companies are adopting product information management (PIM) solutions to get a better handle on their product data management. PIM software is helping brands, manufacturers, and retailers worldwide extract more value from their product information than ever before. But how to successfully implement PIM software in your Retail business?

Watch our Webinar, where Credencys Solutions partner with experts from Syndigo to discuss Retail PIM and the Critical Pitfalls in Retail PIM Implementation.

What You Will Learn

  • Strategic Readiness

    Learn how to set the groundwork that will fortify your PIM journey.

  • Think Big, Act Small, Be Iterative:

    Discover methodologies to keep your project aligned with business goals without
    succumbing to scope creep or priority dilution.

  • “You build it, they will come” Mindset:

    Understand the nuances of change management and how to cultivate an environment that embraces new processes and technology.

Speakers Detail

Sagar Sharma
Co-Founder and CTO,
Credencys Solutions Inc.

Julie Grose
Designated Solutions Engineer,