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By: Sagar Sharma

What is the Future of React Native? Here is everything that you should Know

In the last few years, the mobile application market has shown some unprecedented growth that was never experienced earlier. The emergence of relatively cheaper and capable smartphones is said to be the biggest reason behind the growing popularity of the mobile app market. In recent days, React Native has emerged as one of the frontline frameworks to develop mobile applications. But, many people ask the question like what is the Future of React Native? Is it going to sustain for a long period or collapse like most other JavaScript frameworks? Let’s try to find a genuine answer for such valid questions. Here, you will know the future of React Native from every possible perspective. But, before rushing to the theme of this article, here are some basic details about the React Native.

A Brief Introduction about React Native

If you are new to the mobile application building, it is genuine to ask questions like what is react native & how does react native work. React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework that helps to build the User Interface (UI) for the mobile application. The framework can be effectively used for both Android and iOS app making. It was in 2015 when the popular JavaScript framework introduced to the highly competitive market, and later it turned out to be a game-changer. In today’s market, several popular industry leaders choose to React Native for building their mobile apps.

Here is a list of market leaders who are using React Native for building their application.

React Native is here to stay!

There are two major reasons to back the future of React Native. In the last decade, smartphones replaced the computer to become the primary computing device for the majority of the users. The evolution of the smartphone market can be seen in the growth of revenues generated by applications. In the first half of 2019, Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store generated a combining revenue of whopping $39 billion, which is around 15% higher than that of 2018. Thanks to the growing demand, you can expect a similar or even higher growth rate in the near future. The growing demand for the mobile application is going to help all the app making frameworks, including the React Native.

If you are following the app making industry, you must have noticed that several such popular platforms experience sudden fall due to their inability to adopt the continuously changing technology. But, the same cannot be the case with React Native, as the platform is backed by none other than Facebook. Besides, React Native has a significantly broader developer community.

Besides, there are multiple unique aspects of this JavaScript framework that makes it a future-proof solution.

What is the future of React Native? Here are the factors that will drive the growth

Here are some unique advantages of using React Native that help the app makers to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Improved Performance

React Native offers improved performance, especially through native control and modules. The open-source framework uses a different thread for native APIs and User Interface; therefore, you can expect a significant improvement in performance in comparison to its rivals like WebView. More often than not, React Native-based applications load relatively quicker, and feels smooth while using.

Reusability of Code makes it a Great Value for Money Option

Generally, mobile app developers required to develop separate applications for the Android and iOS platforms. But, by going with the React Native, you can develop as many as 90% of the framework for both the operating systems using the same code. However, initially, it was meant for iOS application making, but, after looking at the reception, Facebook decided to open it for cross-platform usage.

Such a unique reusability feature makes the app develop a cost-effective solution. Besides, it also helps to save a huge amount of time for the app developing company. In fact, a recent study suggests that the React Native saves around 50%-80% of the total time required for the app making for different platforms. Such effective features assure a bright future of React Native.

Incorporation with Existing Application

React Native development is capable of incorporating its components in existing mobile applications, as well. Besides, you can use the Cordova-based code by taking the help of the plugin. However, the existing application must be created by using Cordova and Ionic code.

Only JavaScript can do the Job for You

React Native only demands expertise in JavaScript. Therefore, you can develop applications both for Android and iOS, without knowing Android Specific Java or Swift, respectively.


Thanks to its open-source framework, in the future, you can see the React Native will be compatible with all the existing platforms, such as iOS, Android, Windows, Virtual Reality helmets, and headsets, tvOS, etc. Such diverse compatibility options will help the framework to grow further in the near future.

Web Applications

Even though smartphone usage is gradually shadowing the use of the computer, for a universal presence, it is always recommended to build a web application. React Native web offers you a full-fledged web application without maintaining multiple code lists.

Fabric: An Evolution is on the Way

React Native is currently working on an ambitious large-scale project, and they are calling it Fabric. Under the Fabric program, they are planning to re-architecture the JavaScript framework. The project aims to make the React Native more flexible. Besides, Fabric will help the React Native framework to integrate with hybrid JavaScript-based infrastructure. Under the project, they are planning three major internal changes which can help the React Native to grow further in the coming future.

1. New threading model

The recent threading model allows each User Interface (UI) update to work on three separate threads. But, the ongoing Fabric project will completely change the existing mechanism, and it enables to call synchronously into JavaScript on any given thread. As a result, the stress on the main thread is going to be reduced considerably without compromising responsiveness.

2. Async rendering capabilities

Under this change, the React Native will have async rendering capabilities. Therefore, it will be easier to handle asynchronous data, and further, allow multiple rendering priorities

3. Simplified bridge

They are planning to build a fresh simplified bridge, which will improve the direct calling between JavaScript and native. Besides, it will further simplify in building various debugging tools.

One of the experts who is currently working on the Fabric project revealed that they are implementing the lessons that they have learned in their last five years. When it is implemented properly, the framework will be more efficient and modern. However, the existing React Native-based applications are going to be functional with no or few changes, which is indeed a piece of good news.


If you were one among those who were asking what is the future of React Native, hopefully, you got your answer. From the recent position, the future of React Native looks good. A large number of developers and reusability of code played an important role in the growing popularity of the React Native. Over the last five years, the framework has emerged as the favourite option for mobile application developers across the platforms. Besides, the ongoing Fabric project is going to be massive for the overall framework.

Frequently asked questions

1. What are the important features of React Native?

There are a number of unique features on the React Native. However, the reuse of code for multiple operating systems, such as the Android and iOS seems to be the most important feature of the framework. It helps the application developer to save money and time. Besides, its top-notch performance will always drive footfall to the framework.

2. Can I run my React Native application on the web, and React app work on a smartphone?

Sadly, No. You cannot run. The code for the React Native web relies on Web browsers. Similarly, the code designed for the React Native is dependent on the features given in the mobile platforms. Therefore, it is not practical to run the web application on smartphone and vice versa. However, you can use some of the React Native codes while making the React Native web.

3. What is the Future of React Native?

The future looks bright from here. The ongoing Fabric project is capable of changing the face of the framework. Besides, its large number of developers and multi-platform support is going to drive more users in the future, as well.

4. Do the React Native applications for iOS and Android look the same?

As both the platforms offer completely different sets of features, in most occasions, the applications look different. Though it is quite possible, developers prefer to follow the guidelines mentioned for the UI by the platform.

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