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By: Sagar Sharma

React vs. Ember: A Detailed Tabular Comparison with Pros and Cons

Developers around the globe look to complete their developing process of web or mobile applications as quickly as possible. However, the usage of the right frontend framework plays a key role in determining project completion time.

Meanwhile, picking the right frontend framework that allows developers to complete the frontend development quickly along by delivering a high User Experience is not an easy task for developers. Choosing the popular frameworks ReactJS or EmberJS could be the best solutions for achieving rapid frontend development.

However, a lot of developers are confused when it comes to deciding which is the best ReactJS or EmberJS. React Vs Ember is a subject that requires a lot of focus and determination over the project requirement. Here in this article, we have illustrated the in-depth comparison of React Vs Ember that will simplify your decision-making sense.

Table of Content

  • What is ReactJS
    • Market Share of ReactJS
    • Pros of ReactJS
    • Cons of ReactJS
    • Applications Powered by ReactJS
  • What is Ember JS
    • Market Share of EmberJS
    • Pros of EmberJS
    • Cons of EmberJS
    • Applications Powered by EmberJS
  • A Detailed Comparison of React JS vs EmberJS
  • Table of Comparison

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is an open-source library framework that was specifically designed and launched by Facebook to build better interactive user interfaces for mobile applications and also for single-page applications.

ReactJS was launched in the year 2013 and ever since it’s been the number one priority among global developers. The simplicity, elegance along strong community support of the ReactJS front-end library framework has attracted many professional developers to make use of it for their development process.

Market Share of ReactJS

As mentioned above, ReactJS is the most preferred framework among the developer’s community and the survey report proves it. The survey report points that around 60% of the developers prefer to use ReactJS development regularly for their app development process.

Pros of ReactJS

  • Components can be reused
  • Uses SPA and SSR Architectures
  • Best of building large-scale applications
  • Fast Virtual DOM

Cons of ReactJS

  • Hard for proper documentation
  • Hard to integrate third-party plugins
  • Partial browser support

Applications Powered by ReactJS

Here are the lists of few popular applications which are powered by the ReactJS front-end framework.

  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Bloomberg
  • AirBnB
  • Gryoscope
  • Myntra
  • UberEats
  • Discord
  • Instagram

What is EmberJS?

It is an open-source JavaScript framework that allows developers to build any application effectively within a short time. EmberJS framework is a Model-view-view-Model that enables developers to build highly scalable applications easily. The strong stability along with robust features of the EmberJS framework allows mobile app developers to build impressive mobile applications with better User Experience.

The reliability factor of the EmberJS frontend framework makes it the most preferred framework model by developers around the globe. Apart from saving a lot of app development time, using the EmberJS framework can reduce the overall project cost significantly.

Market Share of EmberJS

EmberJS is still growing the frontend framework in terms of community and also in the usage of developing complex applications. Although the framework EmberJS reached its popularity spike in-between 2012 and 2015, still it is in the state of far-cry as it is being discussed heavily by the developer’s circle around the world.

In a survey conducted by W3techs points, the frontend framework EmberJS is currently used by the margin of 0.1% by the websites which are exercising in the virtual world.

Pros of EmberJS

  • Easy Documentation
  • Strong and skilled Community
  • Fast, Comprehensive & Flexible
  • Server-side Rendering
  • Auto Template Update
  • Self Configuration

Cons of EmberJS

  • Hard To Learn
  • Heavy Weight
  • Hard to Customize
  • No Integration

Applications Powered by EmberJS

Here are the lists of few popular applications which are powered by the EmberJS front-end framework.

  • Discourse
  • Ghost
  • Wordset
  • HospitalRun
  • Kitsu

A Detailed Comparison of React JS vs. EmberJS

1. Technical Comparison

The presence of Virtual DOM in ReactJS is loved by users due to its high performance. Also, the usage of React fiber in ReactJS makes way to introduce new technologies in the web development process.

On the other hand, the presence of a data library in EmberJS helps data caching and querying data very easily. Also, EmberJS eliminates the inconvenience of data storage, data fetching, data caching, and so from the client-side.

2. Community Support

ReactJS is a very popular and widely used frontend framework by developers around the globe. With over 150k star ratings on the Github platform, ReactJS managed to find a place in the list of high growth frameworks right from the initial release.

On the other hand, EmberJS is so popular among big tech companies due to its strong foundation. Having more than 20k stars in the Github platform, EmberJS managed to gain a secured place among the growing community.

3. Learning Curve

Being one among the JavaScript library the learning process of ReactJS is so simple. Most of the developers manage to learn it in a day.

Learning could be difficult when it comes to EmberJS, especially for newbie developers.

4. Performance

ReactJS is a light weighted framework and delivers a brilliant performance. Features like reusable components, leaner architecture, JS page rendering gives a huge advantage for ReactJS to deliver super-fast performance.

Being a huge framework, the performance of EmberJS lags and it suits well for building large-scale applications. EmberJS is specially designed to handle complex functions and to resolve multiple problems at a time.

5. Security

Developers with best practices and proper utilization of features provided by ReactJS can protect its app users from cyber-attacks. Securing ReactJS applications requires considerable experience and it can’t be done easily.

EmberJS has Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) tokens which strengthen the security. Proper usage of CSRF tokens will lead to the pathway of next-level security for applications.

6. Code Architecture

Unlike EmberJS, ReactJS doesn’t have any default architecture. However, developers can make use of external libraries like Flux and Redux for building seamless architecture on their own.

The latest version of EmberJS supports Component-service architecture that helps app developers to build ambitious applications that satisfy the modern needs of app development.

7. CLI

ReactJS doesn’t have any official CLI since it follows component-based architecture; it maintains the same application code structure throughout entering programming codes.

EmberJS framework comes with high-end CLI (Command Line Input) and developers need to use the Ember CLI more frequently while coding.

8. Application Size

ReactJS is light weighted. Besides, the latest version of ReactJS comes with nearly 30% of the reduced size of the previous version.

Being a functional-view-controller framework, the EmberJS comes with a heavy size. However, if you remove all those additional libraries of EmberJS, the core size could come down to 128KBs.

9. Documentation

The latest version of the EmberJS framework comes with in-depth documentation with more information than the ReactJS documentation which offers only minimal information.

The documentation of EmberJS is poor when compared with ReactJS documentation.

10. API Development

ReactJS doesn’t have any predefined library to raise communication requests. However, within the react components developers can make use of any communication library.

The built-in library of EmberJS helps developers to make communication requests to the back-end which is essential for API development.

Table of Comparison

The below-listed table will elaborate React Vs Ember frameworks based on their features for easy understanding

Sr. No.FeaturesReactJSEmberJS
2Powered ByFacebookDeveloper’s Community
3Launch DetailsMar-13Dec-11
4Learning PerspectiveEasier than EmberJSA Bit Harder
5Filtering OptionNoneAutomatic
6Template EngineNoYes
7JSX UsageYesNo
8Animation SupportYesYes
9Input ValidationNot-SupportedSupported
10Local Storage SupportNoYes
11Data BindingOne-way Data BindingTwo-way Data Binding
12Routing & LinkingNoYes
13Server RenderingYesNo
14Github Star154K21.5K
15ArchitectureModel-View-View-ModelModel-View & Component
16Stack Overflow236.2k Questions23.6k Questions
18Top Companies UsingFacebook, Paypal, Walmart, etc.Netflix, LinkedIn, Sony, BMW, etc.

Suggestion To Choose Between EmberJS & ReactJS

  • If you are about to develop a light-weight application opting for ReactJS would be the best
  • Developers who are new to the developing environment can prefer ReactJS
  • If you planned to develop a strong server-side rendering application along with interactive UI preferring ReactJS would be the best.
  • Applications that require highly scalable technology and a python-like environment can prefer EmberJS
  • If you are looking for a framework that has a strong foundation along with strong community support then EmberJS is the best.
  • For sophisticated coding practices and to enjoy easy configuration utilizing the EmberJS framework could be the best.

Bottom Line

The in-depth comparison of React Vs Ember would surely improve the decision making sense of the developers when it comes to choosing ReactS or EmberJS for their project. It’s hard to predict the winner of React Vs Ember, each framework has its own set of pros and cons. It’s upon the project requirements and chooses the framework accordingly to avail better output.

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