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By: Manish Shewaramani

Pimcore X - Introducing New Technology with Best Performance 

Every enterprise needs to be abreast with newer technology for staying ahead in this competitive world. Several platforms help in managing product information across all the different eCommerce channels. For the growth and development of the business, the customer experience also plays an important role.

Pimcore platform provides the integration of product data management with customer experience management which leads to enhanced data quality, increased sales and marketing, and efficient expansion of business.

About Pimcore & Companies Using Pimcore

Pimcore is an open-source digital platform that has inbuilt capabilities for product data management and customer experience management. This includes the combination of data from the developers, marketing team, and eCommerce.

Pimcore application helps in the easy management of product information across the multiple channels used for publishing and eCommerce solutions.

Pimcore has the features of editing product information, organizing, managing, sharing, and centralized storage of product information. It also allows for managing the web content for publishing details and creating catalogs, price sheets, etc. Pimcore provides speeds, innovation, scalability, and freedom for achieving a great digital experience.

Pimcore software solution is useful for all types of businesses small or big. There are more than 115 companies that have implemented this software for managing their product information.

Some of these companies include Burger King, Ikea, Interspar, and T-com to name some. The key features of the Pimcore software that makes it one of the bestselling solutions include:

  • Provides centralized storage of information accessible to all teams internal and external.
  • Robust software architecture for optimized service offerings.
  • Multiple functionalities for Ecommerce, master data management, product information management, digital asset management, CMS, etc.
  • Different business has different challenges to overcome and this Pimcore software provides a wide range of features to manage their challenges.

Don’t miss reading What is Pimcore and the Benefits of Pimcore to explore the Pimcore technology platform, its advanced capabilities, and benefits that brands can leverage to ensure immense success and growth for the organization.

6 Core Frameworks of Pimcore

Pimcore platform enables connecting all the touch points involved in their business. Pimcore overall includes several modules for two major fields data management and experience management.

It consists of four modules for the data management field and two modules for experience management. The combination of these two fields leads to enhanced operational efficiency and improved connectivity for boosting business performance. These modules include:

1. PIM (Product Information Management)

Pimcore’s Product Information Management helps in the integration, consolidation, and management of different types of product information across the enterprise. Centralized data storage allows for storing large quantities of information in a structured manner.

PIM utilizes the metadata as a source and thus can automatically create unique product information. It helps in meeting the requirements of different channels involved in selling while providing a consistent customer experience.

It provides consistent real-time details regarding the product to all the users that include internal teams, customers, vendors, collaborators, partners, etc. It also enables personalization, segmentation, automation of activities, etc.

Visit What is PIM and Product Information Management – An Exclusive Guide to unveil the potential of Product Information Management Your business.

2. MDM (Master Data Management)

Pimcore Master Data Management allows for managing all the business information regarding the products, customers, vendors, etc. The solutions provided by this system helps in enhancing the data quality and optimized data management.

MDM enables expanding to newer data domains at efficient costs. It allows for easy management and control of data in different formats. MDM enables connecting with different enterprise systems like CRM, ERP, ESB, etc along with external third-party applications.

Implementing the MDM help in reducing the time-to-market and allows for collaborative workflows for faster working.

To explore every aspect of MDM, don’t miss visiting Master Data Management – An Ultimate Guide. Explore the essential MDM components, benefits, process of operation, capabilities, and strategies that help you understand how MDM empowers your business.

3. DAM (Digital Asset Management)

Pimcore’s Digital Asset Management allows for enhancing the quality of the assets by implementing asset transformation. It helps in delivering consistent digital assets across the different channels through different touchpoints.

DAM enables centralized management of all media assets that include images, videos, audio files, graphical data, documents, logos, spreadsheets, etc.

The digital media repository enables reusing all the digital assets, and simplified the search for specific content, enabling scalability and enhancing performance. It allows for handling larger digital data without affecting its quality.

Don’t miss reading An Ultimate Guide to Digital Asset Management (DAM) and exploring each and every element connected with DAM.

4. CDP (Customer Data Platform)

The customer plays a crucial role thus it is important to keep a record of customer data that will help in personalization, segmentation, marketing automation, etc. Pimcore’s Customer Data Platform allows for collecting huge customer data and using it to create smarter data-driven strategies for achieving business goals.

To help brands manage customer data effectively, Credencys has provided Customer Data Platform: The Ultimate Guide which provides exclusive insights into CDP capabilities.

5. Digital commerce platform

This module helps in building the B2B and B2C eCommerce applications. Digital Commerce Platform enables inefficient handling of complex availability computation, agile projects with progressing needs, complicated pricing structure, multiple catalogs and pricelists, multiple frontend applications, etc. This leads to continuous innovations, customizability, enhanced performance, interoperability, etc.

If you are excited to explore more about the Digital Commerce Platform, you must visit Digital Commerce Platform – An Ultimate Guide. It helps to manage end-to-end eCommerce operations from a single solution that amplifies your online business.

6. DXP (Digital Experience Platform)

This module is useful for providing complex solutions for collaborative platforms like websites, customer portals, etc. It allows working efficiently for different channels like social media, mobile applications, IoT devices, etc.

It enables personalization leading to customer-centric content for targeting audiences. It makes the handling of the website easier and maintains the information on it. Digital Experience Platform allows for improved communication with the customers thus leading to better understanding and improving the customer experience.

To get better insights into the capabilities of digital experience platforms, you must read Digital Experience Platform – An Ultimate Guide that helps you explore the advanced features and functionality offered by digital experience platforms.

About Pimcore X Development

Pimcore X is the latest version of Pimcore that includes the latest technology stack incorporated within it that will help in providing a better and improved experience to the users and the developers.

This new version includes Symfony 5, ExtJS 7, and PHP 8. The upgrades of Symfony 5 and ExtJS 7 are complete while the incorporation of the PHP 8 is in process. The added new functionalities have been incorporated and trials are ongoing to release the final candidate publicly.

The biggest challenge faced by the developing team of Pimcore X includes incorporating the plethora of code dependencies that are required for the completion of Pimcore X. These dependencies include third-party components and libraries.

The team is working on the Pimcore X to involve the different libraries that will include the system that will be compatible with other features.

All New Features of Pimcore X

Pimcore X is the newer modified version of Pimcore that shows improved performance. It includes new features for the collaboration of management of product details, digital assets, content, customer information, customer experience, etc.

It has various added features for automated data import, new automated connectors for translation workflows, and new experience portals. The additional key features of Pimcore X include:

Backward Compatibility

There are several frameworks used in the Pimcore x. The Symfony 5 PHP framework used here helps the developer for creating the solutions at a faster pace. It does not include the major obsolete legacy code thus improving the code quality and also it ensures backward compatibility.

Pimcore 6 Community Edition Reaches EOL

The previous version of Pimcore which is the Pimcore 6 community edition has reached the end of the life cycle phase. Due to this, there will not be any further updates made available for the security patches.

And it will not receive any code contribution for this version. For continued use of the software, the user needs to upgrade to the Pimcore X to prevent their business from any security risk.

Pimcore Data Importer

Pimcore allows for handling huge data with ease. It enables handling the data in various formats. The new data tool helps in a faster exchange of data as compared to the Pimcore.

It includes the import function that allows importing the data from several other sources and mapping it using the other Pimcore data objects using the configured mapping. Due to this, there is no involvement of any code writing for importing the data.

Pimcore Product Experience Portal

In the current online shopping scenario, customers depend mainly on the product information provided to them on the various shopping portals or channels. The Pimcore X ensures that it provides real-time product information to the users in the consumer-facing PIM portals.

Product search and Filtering

In this digital world, customers do not like spending more time searching for the product of their choice. The newer Pimcore X version has the feature to provide the right information within seconds.

This version of the Pimcore product experience portal makes use of an Elasticsearch-based full-text search engine that is more accurate and faster. The multi-level search option provides variable filters for giving proper search results.

It also includes the options for auto-suggest stored searches, type-ahead, etc. for enhancing overall efficiency.

Download and Sharing

This new Pimcore X version includes the configurable download manager that helps in organizing the data based on their formats such as XML, CSV, JSON files, etc. It also allows the third-party application for processing the same.

It includes the sharing option that also includes the configuration of the data based on the expiration date, resolutions, relevant media asset file types, watermarking, etc.

It includes a dashboard for sharing that provides a real-time snapshot of all the active sharing processes to keep a track of details. It also makes sure to follow certain terms and conditions before the detail is accessed and shared.

Added Security

Every organization has to manage different types of crucial data. While handling these details, the security of the data has to be taken care of. The product experience portal in the Pimcore X includes built-in features for security and access control, roles, permissions, details of internal and external users, etc.

The administration can define the permission for selected individuals and teams to access any particular data. This will help in keeping the data safe and secured. It also enables defining the data pool and user-level access to any information and media assets.

Reports and Analytics

Reports play an important role in tracking the changes or modifications made in the data at various levels. The analytics data help in providing inputs to the various teams for improving the product or the quality of data.

The Pimcore X includes the integrated Pimcore analytics explorer that helps in visually building and configuring the reports and data. It also enables saving the of personalized reports and statistical details for later use.

It has an option for sharing these analyzed data with others. The Pimcore product experience portals include several pre-built report formats that help in saving time and make the process faster.

Improvements for Users & Agencies

Pimcore is very useful in data management and allows for the categorization of the available data. The Pimcore X includes the editor that allows for simplification of the process of personalizing the data.

It provides user-defined views for the different groups within the organization. It also enables the creation of custom views for different groups. This process of customizing groups is very simple and does not require any coding or programming. It makes use of an interface that organizes the details as per the requirement.

Why Should You Consider Migrating to Pimcore X?

Pimcore is one of the most commonly used software for handling different types of data across various channels. It easily integrates with the several essential applications used within the organization. The added features for which any organization should consider migrating from Pimcore to Pimcore X include:

  • It includes the new function for autosave. This saves any changes made to the document or any time of data and makes sure that any changes made in any of the data are not lost. This feature automatically saves the changes made in the document.
  • It enables easy editing of the document and entering content in CMS/DXP without reloading.
  • It also allows for the translation of plural terms.


Pimcore X is the latest version of Pimcore that allows the enterprise to efficiently management of product information along with the customer experience details across the different digital channels.

It has additional features that allow easy integration with several applications that are essential for optimized functioning. It includes the added advantage of auto-saving the details ensuring not lose any data. It also supports data translation that enables globalization.

The advanced feature supports adaptive progressive video streaming that enables in automatic streaming of video in any format optimized for any device. These advanced features of Pimcore X make it beneficial for the efficient management of information.

Say goodbye to data chaos and embrace the power of PIM/MDM to supercharge your business growth!