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By: Manish Shewaramani

Master Data Management in Supply Chain: How MDM Revolutionizes the Supply Chain Management

Data quality and data consistency has become the most important aspects for businesses involved in supply chain activities. Modern-day supply chain leaders pay more attention to acquiring a good Master Data Management in Supply Chain Management.

The Master Data Management solution plays a key role for professionals who try their best to cope with the evolving business imperatives in terms of data.

This article briefs the importance of having a Master Data Management solution for Supply Chain Management and how it revamps the supply chain function in detail.

Supply Chain – A Brief

Before diving deep into the core topic, let’s discuss some of the basic aspects of the supply chain.

A supply chain is a network with a mixture of logistical systems and individuals to facilitate the movement of completed products from manufacturers to consumers or end-users. The entire supply chain entity may link directly or indirectly with the consumers to ensure the supply of goods in the most efficient manner.

Challenges of Supply Chain Management

Despite having a wide range of tools and software for the effective management of the supply chain process, still, companies involved in supply chain activities face a lot of challenges. Challenges faced by the SCM companies act as a barrier to achieving a smoother supply process.

Here are the few most common challenges an SCM company may face, take a look.

Order fulfillment

Without having a proper or standard data definition apart from having basic information like price, size, and so, it is a bit challenging for users to order items. Because that basic information may be entered incorrectly by individuals.

Mismatched data

Often SCM businesses experience a lot of loss due to the product return because of poor product descriptions and mismatched product information. Shipping charges will be expensive for companies as the products need to be shipped back to warehouses or distributors.

Poor inventory management

Without proper management of your inventory, running a successful supply chain business is never going to happen. Having no stocks or excessive stock will lead to significant losses to the supply chain business, this clearly indicated poor supply chain planning.

All those above-listed common challenges faced by Supply Chain Management companies can be easily tackled with the perfected supply chain master data management system. The upcoming sections elaborate on how Master Data Management revamps the supply chain process in detail.

Master Data Management in Supply Chain Management

Master Data Management solution helps supply-chain managers in many ways. Particularly in achieving more efficiency in handling data, suppliers can enjoy complete, accurate, compatible, and coherent data in a consistent manner.

Focusing on supply chain master data management has gained a lot of attention in recent times. This is mainly because the supply chain process is responsible for producing master data related to customers, products, suppliers, locations, and vendors.

Moreover, the entire supply chain process is highly data-dependent and plays a key role in turning the success charts in both ways.

Companies that fail to maintain their supply chain management properly will lack the ability to make efficient and informed decisions during a critical situation. In addition to that, here are the lists of aspects that elaborate on the importance of having a Master Data Management in supply chain.

  • As the organization starts growing, often they struggle to maintain the quality of data because their business data starts growing tremendously. This creates a serious negative impact on their business efficiency level.
  • A good master data management solution comes with various useful tools that coordinate the data cited across the business in a centralized platform. This helps all the departments to access accurate and up-to-date information.
  • MDM solution helps businesses to manage the critical portion of the data effectively. Also, with the seamless data integration feature, MDM consolidates all the scattered data into a single source.
  • Master data management helps businesses to access high-quality data to carry out various functions from its single and centralized data repository.
  • Supply chain master data management act as a bridge connecting various supplier systems and provides a homogeneity and transparent data policy.
  • With the data transparency offered by the MDM solution, a business can access quality data easily and it helps to cut the operational cost significantly. Also, it leads to enhancing the revenue generation process.
  • MDM in the supply chain process helps businesses to deliver reliable and accurate data through cross-organizational data alignment.
  • Despite increasing the data quality, the master data management system makes the business data more securable by offering a centralized repository with limited access to the users according to their roles.

Overall, master data management stays at the core process of the supply chain and plays a vital role in improving its value. As supply chain businesses are keen to experience consistent data performance, having a good MDM has become the primary factor to achieve better data consistency.

How Does Master Data Management in Supply Chain Simplify Various Operations?

Supply chain master data management is the perfect mixture of data consolidation, data governance, data standards, and data quality functionalities. It helps the Supply Chain Management to handle the sheer volume of a variety of data efficiently and effectively.

In supply chain management, a range of data may originate from various data sources such as ERPs, CRMs, online forms, employee profiles, customer profiles, fleet transit details, vendors, suppliers, and so.

Having a good Master Data Management strategy for your supply chain business would encourage employees when they start witnessing better supply chain results.

Moreover, implementing  Master Data Management in supply chain solutions will ease the data integration from the internal and external systems and ensure the data quality is maintained uniformly across the business.

To be frank, the benefits of having a master data management vary from business to business according to its need and functionalities. The solution offers a unique data architecture and provides insightful value on customer data which plays a huge role in the sales & marketing perspective.

Apart from that, here are a few additional ways by which a Master Data Management solution simplifies Supply Chain Management.

Centralized data architecture

The advanced architecture of the Master Data Management platform allows anyone from any department in an organization to access quality data to improve their work efficiency. To explore more about MDM architecture, read out A Brief on Master Data Management Architecture.

Drives optimization and efficiency

The data consolidation process of a Master Data Management solution helps businesses to reduce the data errors a lot mainly occurred because of humans. Also, it offers better data visibility and optimization of end-to-data that helps businesses to achieve better efficiency in the supply chain process.

Customer Engagement

By providing accurate and consistent high-quality data, businesses involved in supply chain processes can get more opportunities to get connect with the customer and improve their engagement activities.

Data reliability and backup

As the data collection, managing, and sharing process are done automatically the possibility of data errors gets reduced, and improves data reliability. Also, the Master Data Management solution offers a data backup option that allows businesses to recover their business data if any data damage or data loss occurred.

Why Master Data Management in Supply Chain is Essential for Your Supply Chain Ecosystem?

When it comes to managing and defining business data, Master Data Management would be the comprehensive solution. The Master Data Management solution offers a single, trusted, and complete view of the master across the company.

Moreover, leaders who manage the supply chain process can easily remove the presence of bad data and play a key part in digitizing the business process.

Apart from that, here are the lists of key aspects of Master Data Management solutions that can enhance the supply chain procedure.

1. Master Data Management acts as an SSoT (Single Source of Truth)

As businesses these days handle more data daily, it is hard for them to make sure they are handling the right insightful data.

Also, data becomes much more important to run businesses smoothly businesses need to have a consolidated platform to manage their data effectively. This is where Master Data Management comes into play.

Master Data Management in supply chain escalates the complexity of handling the sheer volume of data and provides well-synchronized data in a centralized location that acts as a single source of truth for data. This helps suppliers carry out data cleansing and data validation processes easily and quickly.

In addition, having a good Master Data Management solution in your supply chain environment will provide you with an all-inclusive depiction of data related to customers, products, and business partners.

Also, suppliers can easily access information like barcodes, product information, product price, and product size/color which are essential to increase the value of the supply chain.

2. Offers more transparency

Managing siloed departments in the supply chain environment is one of the biggest concerns for suppliers. Having an unmanaged siloed department will hurt data visibility.

However, this problem can be easily managed with the presence of a good MDM solution. The supply chain master data management brings all the possible systems where data can be collected together in a consolidated platform.

This data merging activity carried out by the master data management in supply chain environment will pave a path for transparency. In addition, the MDM system acts as a communication bridge between various systems like ERPs, CRM, and so.

This ensures all the systems can access reliable end-to-end data consistently. With such high transparency in the supply chain system, it helps businesses to gain more revenue and to create more opportunities to grab new customers.

3. Helps to predict and manage inventory management accurately

Inventory management and forecasting business operations are pretty vital things for any business. If you are running a business involved in supply chain management, then both inventorying and business forecasting go hand in hand.

Having a Master Data Management solution in your supply chain management will improve the efficiency of managing the inventory system and provides accurate business data; this helps the business to accelerate its business operation across available distribution channels.

4. Helps businesses to expand globally

Expanding business globally will create more opportunities to reach more potential customers. At the same time, it brings more challenges in terms of managing and delivering product data according to the new market condition and meeting the regulatory compliances of various governments.

With the presence of master data management in supply chain, suppliers can have data standardization and bring more collaboration among the existing systems of internal and external entities.

This facilitates a smoother exchange of data between systems. Also, MDM helps businesses to deliver data across the channels according to the desired formats, ensuring the data or information is passed as per the regulatory norms.

5. Enables smart management and offers more sustainability to the supply chain.

To carry out effective management of the modern supply chain business, you would need a consolidated platform that needs to interconnect the business units for having a fragmented approach throughout the supplier lifecycle.

Master Data Management solution acts like a consolidated platform and assists supply chain businesses to function on a process-driven workflow that will push businesses to overcome operational complexities and costs.

Apart from offering a smart management system with process-driven workflow, Master Data Management in supply chain addresses the rising challenges of supply chain management through its trusted data, holistic data governance, and real-time data analytics.

Considerations to Ensure Effective Implementation of Master Data Management in Supply Chain

Supply chain master data management eases the hassles involved in managing the supplier’s core data assets like product details and customer data. The MDM solution offers a centralized data repository for storing and optimizing data consistently.

However, implementing a master data management system in a supply chain environment isn’t an easy task to do. It requires a lot of determination and best practices to follow to ensure your business leverages high-quality data from the Master Data Management system.

Here are the lists of key considerations every supplier should be aware of for effective implementation of the Master Data Management system.

Spotting the master data domains of your business

Master data domains are the core data assets for your supply chain business. They are essential for the supply chain process efficiently. In general, product data/details/information along with the information regarding the suppliers would be the master data domain for supply chain businesses.

Establishing governance policy and regulated data processes

For any business, it is important to have regulated and clear data processes to maintain and manage the master data efficiently.

In addition, suppliers should follow data validation and standardization rules to carry out the data governance processes. So, that your business can get the most out of the data managed on the MDM system.

Pick the right tech stack

In today’s market, you can easily spot a wide range of Master Data Management solutions offering a variety of features and functions.

However, suppliers need to engage with the MDM service vendor who offers a Master Data Management solution with perfectly packed features that matches your business needs.

Proper Training

If you wish to get the most out of your Master Data Management solution, then you must train your workers and users who going to handle the system. This will make them understand the platform well and act potentially to achieve the goal.

By following the above-mentioned aspects, you can implement the supply chain master data management system effectively and efficiently in your business. Furthermore, this will drive more value to your supply chain business.

Master Data Management is the Future of Supply Chain Management

For better supply chain management, experts often suggest the implementation of multiple systems like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and other systems performing financial and warehouse operations.

All these systems utilize the business data and grab every possible opportunity to improve business operations. Well, this may sound good but, it is hard to achieve what is mentioned by implementing those systems.

Without any consolidated platform, the possibility of those systems getting disconnected is high and once it gets disconnected achieving the desired data quality through the above-enlisted systems will become much more difficult. Delivering unclean data will lead to the efficiency of the entire supply chain process.

This is where MDM in supply chain comes to the rescue. Having an efficient supply chain master data management solution at your business will help the business to recover and improve the quality of the data set which gets siloed in numerous ways.

Furthermore, with the improved data quality the Master Data Management solution helps businesses to speed up the process of reaching their new products to the market.

Also, the clean, accurate data offered by the master data management solution improves the communications between the departments and lets them access high-quality data from the centralized data repository. This will significantly improve the work efficiency of each department and helps businesses to achieve operational excellence.


The supply chain Master Data Management helps business leaders involved in supply chain business to share high-quality data across the organization through a centralized single location; it eliminates the complexity of viewing accurate data within internal and external systems. This contributes a lot for businesses to achieve better efficiency and continues business expansion over time.

Say goodbye to data chaos and embrace the power of PIM/MDM to supercharge your business growth!