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Enterprise Apps
By: Sandeep Agrawal

Biggest Enterprise Mobility Trends of the Year 2015

Today, for many organizations, Enterprise Mobility forms the basis of their operations be it field operations or customer service.

And, why not, Enterprise Mobility has the power to turn around any company’s fortunes, if applied in the right sense and right way.

Before we dive into what 2015 has to offer, let’s quickly recap why more companies are gearing towards adopting an enterprise mobility strategy and what 2014 was all about.

Companies, mainly, embrace mobility for four reasons:

  • Improving Cost Savings
  • Addressing Productivity Concerns
  • For Employees Needs
  • Counter Competition

Industries like Banking, Entertainment, Education, Automobiles, Financial Services, Retail, Manufacturing, and Healthcare are heavily relying on Enterprise Mobility to take their businesses to the next level.

A look at the year gone by

There’s little doubt that Enterprise Mobility is booming. And, 2014 was a testament to this fact.

The year saw a lot of employees using their own devices for accessing enterprise mobile apps. And, this is going to fuel the demand for enterprise mobility solutions in the coming years.

An increasing number of companies showed interest to connect their key stakeholders like employees and customers through new channels, but didn’t know the best approach for implementing this.

There is still this thing called as Tunnel Vision.

Companies are failing to look beyond costs when it comes to implementing mobility. Many still think it as an Expense rather than as Investment.

Though mobility seemed to be one of the topmost priorities for CIOs in 2014, organizations, still have a long way to go when it comes to deploying such advanced solutions. For many the plan still remains on the paper.

Undoubtedly, implementing mobility solutions is certainly not a piece of cake.

Companies encounter several challenges. For instance, enterprise mobility strategies fail to bring in desired results when you think about the system first rather than users.

Also, security is another beast that you need to tame.

The need to implement efficient, advanced security strategies has never been greater. Coca-Cola is a case in this point.

Besides, there were also some highs for enterprise mobility in 2014 like the collaboration of Apple and IBM. This partnership opened up some bright avenues for industries like retail, healthcare and banking.

Another thing worth mentioning is the launch of new Android devices, Android L, which can certainly boost this market in the days to come. Also, 2014 saw a rise in the number of more mobile independent software vendors.

Mobile enterprise applications are now being perceived with same importance as web applications were a few years ago.

Simply put, Enterprise Mobility will dominate 2015.

Engineering for Users

Companies are gradually realizing the importance of designing enterprise apps that align with the needs of their users rather than systems. It’s evident that building apps for systems are doomed to die. In 2015, we will find more of apps that are beautiful, logically designed keeping in mind users’ perspectives and having workflows that help them address concerns and conduct specific tasks seamlessly.

IT organizations will dedicate at least 25% of their software budget to mobile application development, deployment, and management by 2017.

BYOD Policies

Expect a lot of organizations to implement BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. With the rise in popularity of Phablets (like Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and iPhone 6 Plus), employees will bring in more such devices to work on the go. You must consider taking into account the view point of your workforce. More people want to be more productive using their personal devices.

Importance of EMM will rise

Enterprise Mobility Management decisions will shape up the development of enterprise apps this year. Companies will be more focused towards policy management and app provisioning. Where requirements become complex, priority will be given to identity/access management, contextual capabilities and lot more.

Over 50% of Large Organizations Will Invest in Enhanced Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Capabilities to Secure Apps and Data in 2015

Security will be a big talking point

Addressing security challenges, has always been on top of the list when it comes to mobility. This challenge will only grow this year. But, companies will take up this matter seriously and try to address it head on.

By the End of 2015, Only 15% of Large Organizations Will Have Adequate Mobile Security Governance for Process and Policy.

Wearable Technology will take-off

As smartglasses take the centre stage in 2015, we will see a new dimension to enterprise mobility. Think of this scenario. Your employees are at an offshore oil drilling site to do a monthly operational check. They are wearing advanced smartglasses like Epson Moverio and the enterprise app loaded on it tells them where an oil leak is happening and how to fix it. Such a future is not very far.


Enterprise Mobility will be big in 2015.

Whether you are into banking or retail, considering implementing mobility will be on top of your agenda. Whatever be the concern you are looking forward to address – worker productivity or ramping up your revenues, Enterprise Mobility can help you achieve that, if done in the right way.

Source: IDC Enterprise Mobility Survey, 2014

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