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Augmented Reality
By: Sagar Sharma

Augmented Reality Becomes Integral Technology of Fourth Industrial Revolution

The world around us is changing the way we would have never thought or expected. Technologies that are changing the world around us are Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Machine learning, Artificial intelligence and Internet of Things. Among these the technology impacting business space the most is Augmented Reality. The need of Augmented Reality developer is increasing day by day. Augmented Reality development is no longer limited to games or entertainment. It has influenced all the industries known to us. Let me give you some examples of how Augmented Reality is bringing revolution in different areas.

Ever thought that, in a retail store AR mirrors will replace the traditional changing rooms. Medical students will gain the knowledge of surgery without a physical body. The air cabin crew will serve you better because they know your current mood! Examples like these might seem unnatural at the moment but, trust me these changes are REAL. Here are some statistics by statista about the market share of Augmented Reality in various industries.


Let’s see how different industries are leveraging the advantages of Augmented Reality development and changing their way of operation from inside out.


Augmented Reality can act as a great sales tool to attract customers. Using AR app, retailers can show more stock than the available space in the store. The AR solutions will help cut the cost of hiring a customer service executive. It will improve consumer engagement by offering more personalized shopping experience. Augmented Reality can help in shelf identification to track the inventory. It can send an alert to the retailer in case of missing items.

Retailers can track the activity of the consumers with the help of advanced analytics tools. They can make an informed decision about which offers to introduce to attract new as well as old consumers.


As per a survey by BBC, one-third of the total death happens due to lack of proper surgery. Surgeons can now perform surgical procedures efficiently using advanced Augmented Reality solutions. The problem with the current scenario is that surgeons have to perform surgery and simultaneously look at the test reports and MRI scan images. It not only increases the effort of the surgeon but also the chances of mistakes. Surgeons can achieve high accuracy and precision with the help of Augmented Reality. It reduces the risk and chances of errors by 50%.

The app will superimpose the scanned 3D image on the patient’s body part which needs to be operated. It will help surgeons to exactly pinpoint the part that needs to be operated. For example, it will help neurosurgeons to locate the tumor in patient’s brain by superimposing the 3D image of MRI scan reports over patient’s head.


Primary education is the most critical education for students in their schooling period. Because of this fact, parents are always searching for a school that employs latest syllabus and learning techniques. Students get an enhanced learning experience with Augmented Reality. It will also attract parents as they will see their child’s better future with your education institute.

Schools are using Augmented Reality app development to market their brand in front of parents. Parents can get all the information about the school and its facilities through Augmented Reality solutions offered by schools.

Med-schools are hiring Augmented reality developer to build a solution that transforms education for students. They can now have a better understanding of anatomy with the help of 3D, life-like diagrams. Med schools can attract the more students and increase excitements amongst them for the subject by enabling them with immersive learning experience.


Augmented Reality is the latest marketing trend followed by every leading hotel and restaurant chains. Customers can have 360-degree view and a walk-through of the rooms using AR solutions. They will get all the information they need on hotel and its facilities, exciting places to visit in the city, etc. by scanning a tag or image present in every room. The AR app will give customers more than the expected which will attract them and make them loyal customers.

Attract and engage customers by enabling them immersive menu card. A menu which not only shows the name of the dish but also provides a 3D real-like image of the food item ordered. This will give customers a better idea of what they are going to eat.


Aviation business can benefit a lot from Augmented Reality development. Aircraft maintenance staff will now take less time to fix the aircraft because of Augmented Reality Solutions. It reduces the maintenance cost and tackle the issues which saves time and increases company profits.

A single plane crash can bring considerable damages to the company regarding money and reputation. Unlike money, reputation leaves a deep wound on company’s name. To avoid such situations from happening a well-trained pilot with excellent tech-support is necessary. AR glasses for pilots offer tech support like no other technology.


According to a report by National Association of Realtors, 95% of the home buyers search online for their dream home. Among them, only 51% of buyers find the right home which meeting all their needs. The remaining 49% do not find the right home because of lack of imagination. Realtors will be able to sell their properties faster with the help of Augmented Reality solution. They can boost customer experience and increase sales with higher margins by embracing AR. Buyers can convert an empty house into a home by adjusting furniture and other stuff of their choice. Help them in making instant buying decision by allowing them to have glimpses of their would-be home. Alos, offer offer 3D modeling and walk-through experience of the house to the customers.

Sports marketing

Any sports event is a great place for marketers to propagate their brand. Sponsoring a sports event can grab the attention of a lot of potential customers. If you are a sponsorer, you can take your sports marketing strategy to the next level. Showing TV ads between a sports event might grab the attention of a lot of people, but it might not convert all of them into customers. An Augmented Reality app can help you advertise your brand on mobile phones throughout the sports event. It will run a full advertisement by scanning your company logo, banner or even tickets. Increase sales and attract customers by providing a three-dimensional view of the product that is empowered by AR.


Augmented Reality has reinvented the transportation and logistics industry from inside out. Logistics service providers can increase their credibility in the market by providing on-time delivery with the help of Augmented Reality app development. They can reduce shipment processing time as the entire process is getting hands-free. Logistics service providers can also increase their overseas revenue streams with the help of AR solutions. Take advantage of real-time language translation as the solution automatically translate the shipping instructions into your local language.


Augmented Reality is no longer a flamboyant feature to your business. It is going to be the necessity of every business regardless of the field. Augmented Reality can help you stay connected with your customers like never before. It has the power to cut costs and generate revenue by enhancing customer experience. Want to grow your business? Get in touch with our skilled Augmented Reality Developer and be a part of the changing world.

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